Wayfinding is the process of providing people with the way to orient themselves with a building or place and provide them with their route options in order to get them to their desired destination.
Having a detailed wayfinding package implemented within your building or location allows first time visitors to navigate and find their way around at your location easily and this positive experience creates a lasting first time impression for your company.
With years of experience at SignSource Architectural Signage, we can provide a SignSource Wayfinding or WayShowing Package that establishes how many signs a project needs and where they should be installed within your building environment. Our wayfinding solutions can improve the impact of your custom architectural signage in your building for you and your clients!
We help Organizations increase their level of visitor satisfaction & organizational efficiency by empowering clients and visitors with the wayshowing tools, like directional signage, that allows navigating unassisted, even through the most complex and challenging wayfinding environments.
Directional Signs
Directional signs can be printed with arrows, or fabricated into shapes that point people towards a direction.
- Junction signage (left to cafeteria; right to an exit)
- Colored lines on the floor (blue for marketing; red for sales)
- Directory signage (CEO, 8th floor; HR)
Identification Signs
These signs are used for pointing out a service or feature that is of use to the customer. An example of this might be a public washroom sign or an information kiosk.
- Door plaques (Assistant to the Regional Manager)
- Departmental markers (Accounting and Finance; Sales)
- Landmark signage (donor plaque; historical marker)
- Floor plans, exterior business signs, room names etc
Information Signs
These signs allow visitors to have a sense of where they are in relation to the entire space or place, such as directories and site maps.
- Amenities and accommodations (free Wi-Fi; elevators)
- Facilities signage (bathrooms; exits; cafeteria)
- Business information (hours of operation; address numbers)
- Standing signs, plaques or descriptions
Regulatory Signs
Warning signs are often required by law to be clearly visible so that people are aware of any rules, restrictions, or instructions.
- Rules and regulations (no smoking; no firearms)
- Compliance standards (ADA accessibility; high voltage sign)
- Access control (no entry beyond this point; employees only)